Our ethos

Charles Sturt University has a proud history and we are very fortunate to have an outstanding group of diverse, passionate and engaged people working with us.

Each person's experience of Charles Sturt will be the sum of the ways in which we all behave – as co-workers, as professionals and as the 'faces' of our university.

As a values driven organisation, we all have an important role to play in bringing our values to life and making them part of our daily lives. Underpinning our ethos, our four values are shown below.

These values aim to guide our behaviour and way of working to help us achieve our ethos of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in.

Our strategies address respect, equity, diversity and wellbeing. We run programs and activities to support:

  • leadership development
  • workplace health and safety
  • staff wellbeing
  • women in leadership
  • Indigenous staff
  • staff with disabilities.

Work health, safety, and wellbeing

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for work and study for the University community.

Respect, equity and diversity

We strive to create a working environment that is fair, inclusive, and free from all forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Our values

Our values are Insightful, Inclusive, Impactful and Inspiring. These values guide our behaviour and way of working to help us achieve our ethos of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in.

Subject Zero - Teaching zero tolerance to every student

We want our University to be a place of safety and respect.

Learn more