Managing other staff

As a manager, you're part of the University's leadership team. This means you're responsible for fostering the health and sustainability of Charles Sturt University by:

  • articulating our vision
  • living the values
  • keeping our mission at the forefront of your decisions and actions.

Doing this will help both you and the University achieve better outcomes.


As a manager, you're expected to:

  • be a critical part of our planning, governance and financial management
  • be a sponsor, leader and champion of our objectives in:
    • equity and diversity
    • health, safety and wellbeing
    • successful change
    • sustainability.
  • question the status quo
  • foster quality and accountability
  • communicate up, down and across the organisational structure.

Managing staff

A large part of being a manager involves leading and managing people, our most significant and valuable asset.

As a people manager, you're responsible for:

You're expected to have a solid understanding of the conditions under the Enterprise Agreement in order to apply staff entitlements appropriately. You also need to be aware of and understand relevant HR Policies.