Merging Sites

What is a Merged Subject?

The Merge functionality allows cohorts from other subject sites to be merged with the cohort of a Parent site. It is then possible to work in one site instead of having to manage student interactions and grading across multiple sites.

Identifying Merged subject sites

Merging copies the student enrolments from one or more "child" sites into a "parent" site.  In the subject listing, Parent and Child subjects are displayed together. Content and teaching is managed from the parent site. After merging the child site will be unavailable.

After merging occurs, all enrolments in the child site are replicated in the parent site.

Important Information before you commence the Merge:

  • The subject outline of each site needs to be published before the merge can occur.
  • You must be the subject co-ordinator/instructor for each site to be merged.
  • Offerings can be merged if they:
    • are in the same session
    • have the same start and end dates
    • have the same assessment attributes (same number of assessments, same title, value, due date)
    • have exactly the same Grade centre columns.
      • Please note do not deploy any Interact2 tool assessment items, (eg journals, tests or blogs) until the merge has been completed as this will cause an error.

    How to merge guide steps you through the process.  Please make sure you have read the above information before you merge

    Unmerging sites

    Do not unmerge sites once the session has started.

    If you unmerge subjects:

    • students moved out of the parent site will have their content deleted (wiki, journal etc.). This may also affect Grades.
    • any content added to the site after the merge will be lost to the students in the child site. The content is not copied from the parent to the child site when unmerged.

Subject Outline Publication Date

The publication date for the Subject Outline is 2 weeks before students commence.  To merge subjects you will need to set a publication date to allow a merge to occur. The ‘Set Publication Date’ function allows Authors to set the date that Version 1 of the Subject Outline should be published.

Students will not notice any difference when accessing the subject site. Students will have access to the subject outline for their particular cohort.