Backing up and Restoring Sites

It is good practice to create regular backups of Interact2 subject sites and save to a secure location on your computer in case the data needs to be recovered.

This page provides a brief overview of the important things to consider when:

  • creating a backup of an Interact2 subject site, and
  • the process and limitations of having this data recovered.

The Export tool makes a package file containing the content and structure of the site. This data can then be imported into another subject, course or organisation site. The export file will not contain user information, or their activities.

The Archive tool differs, as it will create a file containing the site content, structure, and user activity information.

The backup process uses the Archive tool, rather than the Export tool.

To backup a site, a user will need to be the Instructor (Subject), or Leader (Organisation) of the site. This process is relatively straightforward, but there are two important things to note:

  1. Backup (Archive) files are limited to 1GB, which means that if the site contains many large files, these files should be stored in DOMS.
  2. It is recommended that the Backup (Archive) file is to be downloaded and stored in a secure location.

Two types of data can be restored:

Restoring data from an Archive file (Content Only): If you need to recover content related information from a Backup (Archive) file, the quickest method is to use the Import Package tool. This approach operates the same way as Importing an Export package.

Restoring data from an Archive file (Content, User and Activity data): Restoring data from a Backup (Archive) file will be a more involved process, this information must be first reviewed:

  • The archive file will need to be less than, or equal to 1GB
  • The data will be restored to a new temporary site for the Subject Coordinator to access
  • The user activity data cannot be restored or copied to an existing site
  • It will take up to a week for a temporarily restored site to be made available

Restoring data from the System Backup (via Blackboard)

Blackboard only allows the University up to four restores in a calendar year.

Restoring individual site data from the System backup should be reserved for critical situations, where it is vital that the information is recovered, and there are no means to use previously created Archive or Import files.

Support resources required: 3+ hours.

Restoring data from the System Backup (Blackboard) is an involved process, it is important that this information is first reviewed:

  • Blackboard only retains backup data for 30 days
  • The data will be restored to a new temporary site for the Subject Coordinator to access
  • The user activity data cannot be restored or copied to an existing site
  • It will take up to two weeks for this to be made available

The following procedure will guide you through the process of arranging a backup to be restored to a temporary site.

  • Review the above information on the limitations
  • Submit a new DIT Service Desk request, and include:
    • the SiteID, for example, S-ITC103_201660_W_D, and o a description of the data that has been lost,
    • and circumstances in which the data was lost, and
    • the closest date and time you could provide is when the data was lost, or last seen.
  • You will be advised once the data has been restored, and the site will appear in the Subject Coordinators Interact2 Dashboard

Requesting further information on circumstances (for example, who, when, how) in which data was removed from an Interact2 site will require an investigation.

To request an investigation, please submit a new CSU Service Portal request, and provide the following information:

  • The SiteID, for example, S-ITC103_201730_OA_I,
  • a description of the data that has been lost, and
  • the closest date and time you could provide as to when the data was lost, or last seen.

Depending on the case and the precision of information provided, it may take up to two weeks to have results available.

Support resources required: 1 - 5 hours.