Create Content

Interact2, provides a variety of containers to organise content in you subject.

Content navigation begins with the content menu. Items on the menu can be added, deleted or hidden from students view. After the content menu area has been created the next step is to add content.

content menu

Creating content navigation

  1. Ensure your edit mode is on.
    Edit mode on Image
  2. Hover over the Add Menu Item (plus sign) above the subject menu.
  3. Select Content Area.
    Content Area
  4. Enter a content name.
  5. Click the Available to Uses check box if students can view the content.  If the content is not complete do not select the check box.  Content can be made available later.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. The new menu item will appear at the bottom of the menu list that is available to students. It should be moved to the desired position.
  8. Click on a content menu item to enter the content area.
  1. Ensure your edit mode is on.
    Edit mode on Image
  2. Hover over the Add Menu Item (plus sign) above the subject menu.
  3. Select Weblink.
    Weblink content area
  4. Enter a content name and relevant URL
  5. Click the Available to Uses check box if students can view the link.
  6. Click Submit
  7. The new menu item will appear at the bottom of the menu list available to students. It should be moved to the desired position.
  8. To open the link in a new window. Click on the downward arrow next to the weblink. Select "Set link to open in a new window'.

Content appears in the order that you add it but it can be reordered.

  1. A. Use the drag-and-drop function: Hover over the navigation item. Click and hold on the arrows to the left of the item.arrow Drag the item to the new location.
  2. B. Alternatively, use the reordering tool to reorder content. Select an item in the list and use the Move up or Move Down icons to adjust the order

How to hide content in your navigation menu

Click on the downward arrow next to the content you want to hide

From the menu, select the option for Hide Link

left nav hide content

Building Content

In the content area, three menus are available to build content. Build Content, Assessments and Tools

The information below will focus on the 'Build Content' menu. For information on Assessments or Tools, go to the relevant sections on this site.

Two common content options are:

Item: An item can contain text, files, images and other content types. Items can be added individually to a module or folder. Multiple items can be added to a content area.

Folder: A folder can be used to hold a variety of content types.

For support with content design or the use of learning modules please raise a log a service request

  1. Ensure your edit mode is on.
  2. Open the required content area.
  3. On the Action Bar, hover over Build Content and select Item
    Select item
  4. On the Item page, add the name of the Item.
  5. Add text as required to the Text box. Edit content using the text editor.
  6. Attach a file if required.
  7. Select Yes to Permit users to view the content. Selecting No will prevent students from seeing the content, but it still can be viewed by staff with the edit mode is ON. This can be edited later.
  8. Select Yes or No for Track Number of Views.
  9. Optional: Limit the availability of the item to students with Display After and/or Display Until dates if desired.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. Items will appear at the bottom of the list if multiple items exist. Items can be moved by using the drag and drop feature to the left of the item name.  Hover over the item and click on the arrows to drag the item.
  1. Ensure your edit mode is on.
  2. Open the required content area.
  3. On the Action Bar, hover over Build Content and select Content Folder.
    content folder
  4. On the Content Folder page, add the name of the Folder.
  5. Add text to describe the folder contents in the Text box. Edit content using the text editor.
  6. Select Yes to Permit users to view the content.
  7. Selecting No will prevent students from seeing the content, but it still can be viewed by staff with the edit mode is ON. This can be edited later.
  8. Select Yes or No for Track Number of Views.
  9. Optional: Limit the availability of the item to students with Display After and/or Display Until dates if desired.
  10. Click Submit.