Editing Content

The Content Editor

The content editor allows you to add and format text, insert equations and hyper links, tables, and attach different types of files to create content.

Blackboard has updated the Content Editor for Interact2, this has changed the look and feel of the editor as well as upgraded functionality. While general use is very similar there are some changes that you need to be aware of to make a smooth transition using the new Content Editor.

content editor

To learn more about Content Editor and changes, visit Blackboard's Content Editor.

Editor Tips:

Right click and Paste does not work in the textbox. Paste copied text into the textbox using the keyboard command Ctrl V.

Consider using a text editor such as Notepad to remove formatting before you paste into the textbox.

Edit and Manage items:

Be sure the edit mode is ON before attempting these instructions.

Click on the Chevron for a list of options, such as the Edit feature.  The options available will depend on the item you select.

Content appears in the order that you add it but it can be reordered.

  1. Use the drag-and-drop function: Hover over the navigation item. Click and hold on the arrows to the left of the item.arrow Drag the item to the new location.
  2. Alternatively, use the reordering tool to reorder content. Select an item in the list and use the Move up or Move Down icons to adjust the order

How to hide content in your navigation menu

Click on the downward arrow next to the content you want to hide

From the menu, select the option for Hide Link

left nav hide content

How to hide content folders or items

Click on the downward arrow next to the item you want to hide

From the menu, select Make Unavailable

The following message will appear when the item is unavailable

Availability: Item is hidden from students.

The content editor allows you to add content directly via HTML code. This includes the use of iFrames. For security reasons only certain websites are allowed to be embedded via an iFrame. Please see the allowed list below. If you would like to embed other reputable websites please log a DIT support ticket with your request.

Allowed iFrame embedded websites:

  • CSU SCCI Media Service
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • SlideShare