Creating Landscape-Scale Change Through the Promotion of Resilient Pasture Systems

The Creating Landscape-Scale Change through the Promotion of Resilient Pasture Systems project will demonstrate modern pasture species combinations and management practices known to build drought resilience.

These practices have the potential to protect soils and support productivity during and after droughts.

Affecting 82 per cent of NSW land area, the project involves:

  • Up to 10 demonstration sites.
  • Five farmer reference groups.
  • Mid to high-rainfall zones of central and southern NSW.

Advanced modelling will ensure any project outcomes have regional applicability. Knowledge brokers will provide information to local audiences and support social learning between farmers. Workshops, publications, case studies and on-farm consultations with farmers will be also used.

Funder: The Future Drought Fund's Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes Program

Lead: Holbrook Landcare Network

Collaborating partners: FarmLink, CWFS, Monaro Farming Systems, NSWDPI, Riverine Plains, LLS