Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University

Roles & Permissions

Charles Sturt Roles used by the SOT

Charles Sturt RoleRole SourceSOT Role (annotation)
Subject Coordinator ACSES* Author (SC)
Nominal Subject Outline Author ACSES* Author (NSC)
Subject Outline QA Officer ACSES* QA Officer (QA)
Head of School Alesco (HR) Head of School (HOS)

* Faculty Subjects Teams administer the Academic Course and Subject Entry System (ACSES) roles for active SAL offerings

Subject Coordinators become an SOT ‘Author (SC)’. They do not need to also be a Nominal SO Author.

SOT Support Roles

Support Author (S)

SC and NSC type SOT Authors can use the ‘Manage Roles & Permissions’ function in the ‘Edit Outline’ screen Tools & Setting menu to add any staff member into a ‘Support Author’ role to collaborate on the Outline.  Support Authors have full Author permissions except they cannot add other Support Authors. Support Authors are annotated (S). If staff already have an ACSES role for the Outline, they will not appear in the list for adding as a Support Author.

Support HOS (HOS-S)

The HOS can use the ‘Manage Support HOS’ function in the Home left hand nav menu to add any staff member  into a ‘Support HOS’ role to assist with SOT HOS tasks. Support HOS have full HOS permissions including the ability to add other Support HOS; and generate reports. Support HOS are annotated (HOS-S).

SOT Permissions

The dashboard actions available to an SOT user are based on their role and the status of the Outline. Learn more: Actions per Status & Role.

In addition to basic functionality, various permissions are available to Authors and QA Officers while editing and/or quality assuring an Outline; as well as Heads of School (HOS) and Support HOS while quality assuring a varied Outline.

QAO/HOS/Support HOS permissions default to ‘Comment only’. However, Authors (SC and NSC types) can grant ‘Edit’ permissions via the Manage Roles & Permissions function available from the Edit Outline screen menu.

ACSES email notifications for null roles

The Academic Course and Subject Entry System (ACSES) supports timely role population for Outlines by providing a ‘Manage No-Role Notifications’ function. Staff can set their desired timing for email notifications regarding offerings which have null Subject Coordinator/Instructor or QA Officer roles.

Learn more: Log into ACSES to view ACSES Help - Manage No-Role Notifications