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International symposium in Vietnam on salinity futures in agriculture

In March 2024 Gulbali researchers Dr Michael Mitchell and Associate Professor Jason Condon ran an international symposium in Vietnam on salinity futures in agriculture.

ACIAR Salinity Forum Vietnam

The symposium brought together 3 ACIAR funded projects – two of which are led by Charles Sturt 's Gulbali Institute -  The FOCUS project in Vietnam led by Jason and Michael’s Pakistan project, the third project is run by CSIRO and is based in Bangladesh and India.

Presentations were provided in themes relating to changes in the landscape due to climate change, crop options for farmers adapting to salinity, gender dimensions of impact, building knowledge and creating impact for communities, and building socioeconomic benefits through markets. A field day allowed the 95 attendees to visit field sites of the FOCUS project. A/Prof Jason Condon said "Gulbali researchers  Dr Michael Mitchell,  Dr Jen Bond, Prof Catherine Allan, Dr Moby Khan and I, as well as students Sarah Fraser, Campbell Watt, provided input into the successful symposium and it was great to see the Charles Sturt University flag flying at this ACIAR funded event."

In this Provocations Lecture, Professor Shokoofeh Shamsi explores the surge in parasitic incidents in Australia, covering the origins, implications, and possible human factors contributing to Australia's parasitic predicaments. Are these occurrences mere coincidences, driven by the forces of Mother Nature, or do they serve as stark reminders of complacency within the policymaking domain?

Provocations Library