Our facilities

Environmental Test Suite

Aquatic laboratory

This 150-square-metre laboratory supports research on fisheries ecology, breeding and behaviour, hydropower and irrigation infrastructure impacts on fish migration, fish passage solutions and dish screening technologies.



Charles Sturt has over 25 operational laboratories ranging from standard through to physical containment level 3 (PC3).

Analytical equipment

Our analytical capability encompasses a range of specialist equipment including the only Supercritical Fluid Extractor in Australia.


Our rhizolysimeter is the largest root growth and soil water research facility in the Southern Hemisphere.

Phytotron and growth chambers

The phytotron is a large, open plan space with areas for working with plants and soils including dehydrators, plant/soil grinding rooms, cold rooms, dry storage area, vacuum digging equipment, and soil sterilisation and root washing facilities.


We have several operational glasshouses ranging from standard to physical containment level 2 (PC2) with various size bays suitable for the largest or smallest of projects.

Field Trial Sites

Charles Sturt’s research and demonstration sites allow replicated field trials under controlled conditions.  These sites can be irrigated and monitored with in-field and remote sensing technology.

Animal and Veterinary Facilities

Food & Wine Facilities

Meat Laboratory

Certified as a food registered premises with Wagga Wagga City Council, the meat laboratory encompasses Food Science, Meat and Fibre Science, Veterinary Quality Assurance, Food Technology and Product Development and Consumer Sensory Product Evaluation Testing.

Sensory Lab

A Sensory Laboratory with a fully equipped kitchen and sample preparation area suitable for wine and food evaluation, pass-through compartments for distribution of samples to participants and computer assisted data collection and sensory evaluation software.

Nutrition Laboratory

Certified as a food registered premises with Wagga Wagga City Council, CSU’s Nutrition Laboratory is equipped with 12 cooking stations, stove tops, ovens, range-hoods, dishwashers and fridges

Horticulture Facilities

The orchard zone has 24 commercial olive varieties and a small selection of citrus trees including rootstock. The precinct also has irrigated greenhouses and shaded/unshaded areas that support research into larger plants or trees.

Research Winery and Vineyard

Our research Winery enables the production of red and white wines with state-of-the-art wine making equipment and temperature controlled fermentation for batches of 1L up to 1,000L. Facilities will also include production of low to no alcohol wines