Why do I need to keep records?

What are records?

Any and all pieces of documentation that you generate in the course of your work are records. They tell us what, where and when something was done, or why a decision was made. They also tell us who was involved and under what authority, and can be physical or digital.

Why do I need to keep records?

The University generates and uses a large and diverse range of records, and records management is everyone's responsibility. From an operational perspective, effective records management makes it easy to find and use the information that you need to complete your work. The most effective records management practices are embedded in a unit's work processes and occur on a regular basis. For help understanding your obligations and how to fit records management into your work, contact records@csu.edu.au.

Full, accessible and accurate records enable the University to:

  • provide evidence of individual and organisational activity
  • meet its regulatory and accreditation requirements
  • protect the information held by the University, and
  • use that information to support informed, timely decision making.

Policy and Records works behind the scenes to help you develop and implement processes to enable compliant and effective records management. We also maintain the University's electronic document records management system, Unirecords (aka TRIM or Content Manager). You can learn more about Unirecords on the Where do I keep my records? page.

As a public office, the University is required to demonstrate robust records management practices to fulfil its obligations under state and federal legislation. Effective records management is also a key component of TEQSA and CRICOS requirements which support the University's continued accreditation. It also means that the University can provide documentary evidence to support operational decisions and demonstrate accountability across organisational levels.

For more information on how records support the University's compliance obligations, please see the Records Management Policy and the University's Legislative Compliance Guide.