Honorary Awards and Titles

The University Council recognises exceptional achievement and service to the University and its regions by conferring Honorary Awards.

The University Council recognises exceptional achievement and service to the University and its regions by conferring Honorary Awards in accordance with the Governance (Honorary Awards and Titles) Rule and Procedure.

Nomination process

The Vice-Chancellor will invite nominations for honorary awards in July each year, which must be received in time for the November Nomination and Remuneration Committee meeting. Senior academic leaders, the professoriate and Advancement Office should be encouraged to make nominations.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (the Committee) will consider all nominations referred by the Vice-Chancellor at the November meeting and, in accordance with the Rule, may either:

  1. approve that an offer of an award is made to the proposed recipient,
  2. defer the nomination for consideration at a future date (a date need not be specified),
  3. refer the nomination back for amendments or further information; or
  4. decline the nomination.


The following have been mandated by the University Secretary for use for all nominations for honorary awards or titles.

Use of the Confidential template suite is mandatory for all nominations.

Nomination and Supporting Templates

For assistance with preparing submissions, please see the Honorary Awards and Titles Guide to Nomination.

Nomination Submission


Brief for Nominee


CV or Public Profile


Draft Citation


Companion of the University

2003 Mrs Anne Brassil
2006 Mr Ian Dean
2007 Mr John Mahon
2011 Dr Douglas Bryden AM (Deceased)
2011 Mr Ian Macintosh AM (Deceased)
2014 Dr Henry Gardiner
2014 Emeritus Professor Ian Goulter AM
2018 Mr Adrian Wintle
2019 Ms Florence Grant (Deceased)
2019 William Elwin O'Brien "Uncle Bill"
2019 Aunty Isabel Reid

Honorary Doctors

Doctor of Applied Science

1993 Mr Ronald Anthony Potter (Deceased)
1994 Dr Frederick Butler
1996 Mr Wolfgang Franz Otto Blass
1996 Mr Francis Michael Davidson OBE (Deceased)
1996 Mr Bruce Gowrie Smith
1997 Mr Donald Morrison Grant AM
1997 Mr Douglas Stephen Shears
1999 Dr Ralph Owen Slatyer AC (Deceased)
2000 Mr Ian Colin Davidge (Deceased)
2019 Mr Michael John Keogh

Doctor of Arts

1997 Mr Ernst Hadenfeld (Deceased)
1998 Dr Evelyn Margaret Crawford AM (Deceased)
2000 Associate Professor Colin Robert Anderson (Deceased)
2003 Mr Ronald Barry Camplin OAM
2003 Ms Dawn Rosemary Casey PSM
2003 Mr Timothy Storrier AM
2006 Mr Robert MacIsaac
2006 Mr Douglas Brian Petersen (Deceased)
2008 Sister Pat Linnane (Deceased)
2013 Mr William Thomas (Tommy) Emmanuel AM
2014 Mr Angelos Frangopoulos AM
2015 Ms Glynis Ann Ingram
2015 Reverend John Percival Brown, AM
2019 Mr Bruce John Pennay

Doctor of Business

1993 Mr John Boyd Reid AO
1996 Mr Peter John Waraker Cottrell OBE
1996 Mr Bernard William Fraser
1997 Mr Zvonimir Hribar
1999 Mr Gordon Frederick Craig (Deceased)
1999 Mr Stanley John Droder (Deceased)
2000 Datuk Paul Tuck-Hoong Chan
2001 Mr Brian Leon Andrews PSM
2001 Mr Donald Moreton Kendell AM (Deceased)
2003 His Excellency Mr Keat Chhon
2003 Dr William Thomas Hanrahan
2007 Mr Geoffrey James Dixon
2007 The Hon. Prudence Jane Goward, MP
2007 Mr Roger James Fletcher
2007 Mrs Gail Kelly
2008 Mr John Casella
2008 Mr Roger Corbett AM AO
2008 Mrs Janet Holmes a Court AC
2013 Mr Thomas (Tom) Murphy
2016 Mr Geoff Honey (Deceased)
2018 President Donglin Song
2018 Professor Ersi Liu

Doctor of Education

1994 Sister Margaret Mary Press
1996 Dato' Haji Jamaluddin bin Abdul Hamid
1998 Sister Margaret Rosarie Connell (Deceased)
1998 Ms Judith Carroll Parker
2001 Mr Ralph Watkin Rawlinson
2001 Mrs Chan-Low Kam Yoke
2002 The Hon. Linda Jean Burney, MP
2014 Ms Emma Leslie
2015 Dr Leone (Pat) Patricia Dickinson
2016 Mr Lars Karlsson
2016 Mr Laurence Crawford
2019 Dr John Wen Qing Dai

Doctor of Health Studies

1996 Ms Janette Rosalind Noble
1997 Mr Lawrence Caple
1997 Mr Peter Robin Macneil OAM (Deceased)
1999 The Hon John Cyril James Matthews
1999 Dr Jitsuhiro Yamada
2001 Dr Renate Krakauer
2001 Mr Patrick Thomas Mahony
2002 Dr Basil William Atkinson (Deceased)
2002 Dr David Hugh Palmer OAM
2013 Dr Matthew Fisher
2014 Associate Professor John Overton AM
2016 Mr Ahmed Salah Mohamed Al Harjeri
2019 Mr Stewart Dowrick

Doctor of Letters

1993 Mr Wallace Clyde Fife (Deceased)
1993 Mrs Sibyl Elyne Keith Mitchell OAM (Deceased)
1993 Dr Henry Nowik AO OBE
1994 The Most Reverend Francis Patrick Carroll
1994 Mr Gerard Gleeson AC
1994 Dr Lai-bing Kan
1995 Mr John Keith Avery APM
1995 Bishop Barry Russell Hunter (Deceased)
1995 Mr Walter Joseph Kamba (Deceased)
1995 Mr Hugh Clifford Mackay
1995 Justice John Flood Nagle QC
1996 Bishop Ernest Kenneth Leslie OBE (Deceased)
1996 The Hon Michael Carter Tate AO
1997 Ms Margaret Frances Carnegie AO
1997 Dato' Jaffar bin Mohd Ali
1999 Professor George Kanarakis
1999 Mr Michael John Palmer AO APM
2000 Emeritus Professor James Seymour Hagan AM (Deceased)
2001 Ms Audray Margaret Banfield AM
2002 The Hon. Quentin Alice Louise Bryce AC CVO
2007 Bishop George Browning
2009 Ms Michelle Grattan AO
2012 Rev Dr Seong Gi Cho
2012 Professor Shiquan Wang
2013 Mr Stan Grant AM

Doctor of Science

1996 Dr William James Peacock AC
1996 Dr Kevin Patrick Sheridan (Deceased)
1998 Mr Brian John Croser
2001 Dr David Charles Goldney
2019 Dr Anthony Douglas Jordan OAM (Deceased)

Doctor of the University

1991 Mr Anthony Napier Sturt (Deceased)
1994 Mrs Joan Lora Ellice-Flint (Deceased)
1994 Ms Dorothy Dickson Ross AM OBE (Deceased)
1995 Professor Lindsay Michael Birt AO CBE (Deceased)
1995 Ms Winsome Claire Bundey (Deceased)
1995 Emeritus Professor Bruce Edgar Mansfield AM (Deceased)
1995 Mr Keith John Swan (Deceased)
1997 The Hon Thomas Uren AO (Deceased)
1998 Dato' Gajaraj Dhanarajan
1999 Mr Donald John Elder
1999 Mr Harold David Mair (Deceased)
1999 Mr Joseph John Schipp (Deceased)
2000 Ms Evonne Faye Goolagong-Cawley AO MBE
2000 Ms Helen Loris Smith
2000 Ms Janice Anne Woolley
2000 Mr Patrick Po-Kong Wu
2001 Professor Clifford Douglas Blake AO
2001 The Most Reverend Dr Peter Frederick Carnley AO
2001 Mr Timothy Andrew Fischer
2001 Her Excellency Marjorie Jackson-Nelson AC CVO MBE
2002 Mr David James Asimus AO (Deceased)
2002 Mr Andrew Hoy OAM
2002 The Hon. Henry Shui-Lung Tsang OAM MLC
2004 Professor David Biles
2006 The Hon Sir William Patrick Deane AC KBE
2006 The Hon. Margaret Reid AO
2008 Mr Ken Moroney AO APM
2014 The Hon. John Winston Howard OM AC SII
2014 Captain Richard Champion de Crespigny
2014 Ms Kathryn Pitkin AM
2014 Mr Lawrence (Lawrie) Willett AO
2019 Mr Ian Stewart APM
2024The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG

Doctor of Veterinary Science

2022 Mr John Glastonbury

Honorary Masters

Master of Applied Science

1992 Mr Edwin Hong
1995 Ms Joan Schmidt 

Master of Applied Science (Agriculture)

1992 Mr Hugh Ross (Deceased)

Master of Arts

1992 Mr Jack McDonogh (Deceased)
1994 Ms Joyce Holmes (Deceased)
1996 Mr Lawrence Orchard
1996 Mr Graham Stocks
1998 Mr Noel Newnham

Master of Arts (Communication)

1993 Mr Ronald Camplin AOM
1994 Mr Graham Cox

Master of Business (Local Government Management)

1993 Mr Alan Morse AM OBE (Deceased)
Master of Education
2000 Ms Marie Thompson (Deceased)

Master of Health Science

1993 Ms Patricia Stephenson
2000 Mr Alexander  Bedwell
2001 Mr Christian Kohlhoff OAM (Deceased)

Professors Emeriti

1998 Dr Edwin Braggert
1999 Professor Bryan Rothwell
2001 Professor Clifford Blake AO
2001 Professor Edwin Wolfe
2001 Professor Victor Fatseas
2005 Professor Robert Meyenn
2006 Professor James Pratley
2011 Professor David Green
2011 Professor Ian Goulter AM
2011 Professor Kevin Robards
2012 Professor Ross Chambers AM
2012 Professor Stephen Kemmis
2012 Professor John Tulloch
2013 Professor Bill Green
2014 Professor John Weckert
2015 Professor Kevin Parton
2015 Reverend Professor James Haire, AC
2016 Professor Bob Perry
2017 Professor Benjamin Bradley
2018 Professor Jennifer Sumsion
2018 Professor Sue Dockett
2018 Professor Joy Higgs AM
2019 Professor Heather (Jeannie) Herbert
2019 Professor Jo-Anne Reid
2019 Professor Toni Downes
2022Professor Gail Whiteford