Who to report it to

After looking through the list below, if you and/or your supervisor aren't sure what to do, please ask the Risk and Compliance team.

Reporting options


Risk and Compliance Unit

  • Actual or potential breaches of internal policies, legislative, regulatory requirements e.g., HESF, ESOS requirements.
  • Inadequate or failed internal processes or controls.
  • Payment errors.
  • Inadequate performance or actions taken by third parties.
  • Business disruption resulting in business continuity plans being activated.
  • Breaches of the University’s Risk Appetite Statement.

Report to


Chief Security Officer

  • Public Interest Disclosures.
  • Suspected internal or external fraud and corruption.
  • Suspected instances of foreign interference.

Report to

Chief Security Officer via the report wrongdoing (whistleblowing) page.


Division of Safety, Security, and Wellbeing

  • Critical student incidents including sexual assault, sexual harassment, hazing reports, and any incidents involving NSW Police or other law enforcement agencies.
  • Academic and general student misconduct.
  • Injuries, hazards, near misses, security incidents, property damage, biological, chemical, radiation, assault and sexual violence, fleet and vehicle accidents involving staff and students.

Report to

You can also contact the Executive Director, Safety, Security, and Wellbeing via eddssw@csu.edu.au or the WHS team via safety@csu.edu.au

Internal Comms


  • Complaints.
  • Grievances.

Report to

University Ombudsman via the Complaints, Grievances and Whistleblowing pages.


Division of Information Technology and/or University Ombudsman

  • Privacy Breaches.
  • Actual or suspected breaches of personal information.
  • Cyber security and data breaches impacting the University or its vendors.

Report to

The IT Service Desk.

After reporting your issue, if you'd like to discuss it further, you can contact the University Ombudsman.


Division of People and Culture

  • Staff misconduct.
  • Actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest.

Report to

Employee Relations Team via dpc@csu.edu.au


Legal Services

  • Breach of contract, legal disputes, and litigation.
  • Inappropriate use of intellectual property.

Report to

General Counsel via legal@csu.edu.au

Internal Comms

Internal Communications

  • Issues which could potentially result in adverse media for the University.

Report to

The Internal Communications team via news@csu.edu.au