About our team

Our Mission

Our mission in Internal Audit at Charles Sturt University is to enhance and protect organisational value through our work and help the University achieve its goals for our communities, our students and our internal capability.

How we achieve this

Management are looking for internal audits that help them reduce risk (where appropriate), improve the business and be assured that appropriate governance, risk management and control arrangements are in place and working effectively.

Our program of audits will be carefully considered so they are relevant, timely and genuinely add value. Our approach in every aspect of our work is to support Charles Sturt University in the achievement of its objectives by shining a light on the effectiveness and efficiency of the key processes which are controlling the big risks. We aim to collaborate by providing constructive, practical, insightful recommendations to identified weaknesses in our processes.  The audit process is used, not to place blame, but only to strengthen what we do.

  • We demonstrate integrity[1]
  • We demonstrate competence and due professional care
  • We are objective and free from undue influence
  • We align with the strategies, objectives and risks of the organisation
  • We are appropriately positioned and adequately resourced
  • We demonstrate quality and continuous improvement
  • We communicate effectively
  • We provide risk-based assurance
  • We are insightful, proactive and future-focused
  • We promote organisational improvement

[1] Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, Institute of Internal Auditors

Internal Audit's purpose, scope, authority and reporting arrangements are defined in the Internal Audit Charter.

Internal Audit Manual

The purpose of the Internal Audit Manual is to:

  • provide University staff with a source of reference for internal audit procedures and routines, in line with the Internal Audit Charter
  • outline the principles that guide the practice of internal auditing at Charles Sturt University
  • provide a framework for performing and promoting risk-based and value-added internal auditing
  • establish the basis for the evaluation of internal audit performance, and
  • foster the continuous improvement of organisational processes and operations

Download the Internal Audit manual

More information on internal audits

What to expect from an audit

Training and resources