Student Records Register

In accordance with the State Records Act 1998 (NSW), Charles Sturt University has an obligation to meet certain record keeping requirements along with other record keeping and privacy legislation. As a result, all official correspondence between students and Charles Sturt is captured and maintained in the University's internal systems. Each staff within Charles Sturt has a responsibility to maintain accurate student records that relate to their office, Division or Faculty.

The Table below is a general list of student records maintained by Charles Sturt and what area of the University they are located.

List of Student RecordsDescription Retention Years
Admission, enrolment and progression

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to the student lifecycle. The following Division has responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Student Administration

Faculties and Schools may retain records in relation to course specific entry examinations, interviews or correspondence.

Records are required to retain minimum of 7 years after completion or discontinuation of course or program of study by student, then destroy.

Exception: working with children checks are required to be retained for 99 years.

Results and graduation

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to assessments, attendance, grades and graduations. The following Divisions and Faculties have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Student Administration
  • Charles Sturt University Regional Archives
  • Faculty of Arts and Education
  • Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Health

Records relating to the grading/marking of individual assessment components of a subject or course and determination of final results/grades are required to retain minimum of 1 year after end of appeal period or minimum of 1 year after action completed, whichever is longer, then destroy.

Records relating to changes of assessment results as a result of moderation, re-marking or appeal by the student are required to retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy.

Records confirming the award/receipt of a qualification of diploma or above including honorary doctorates are considered as State archives.

Workplace learning Charles Sturt holds records relating to workplace learning activities and professional placements. Records relating to workplace learning activities where the number of hours/proof of performance are required for professional accreditation reasons, the records are required for a minimum of 50 years after completion of the course of study, then destroy.

Records relating to workplace learning activities not required for professional accreditation are required for a minimum of 12 months, or longer if the records are required as part of an investigation into an allegation of misconduct.
Scholarships, Prizes, Fellowships and Awards

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to alumni, awards and events. The following Divisions, Offices and Faculties have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Student Administration
  • Charles Sturt University Regional Archives
  • Faculty of Arts and Education
  • Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Health

Records relating to the management and delivery of scholarships, prizes, fellowships, awards and honorary awards, applications, nominations, acceptances, unsuccessful candidates, rejected or lapsed offers are required to retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy.

Records relating the summary of recipients of scholarships, prizes, fellowships or awards are considered as State archives.

Student exchange

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to community and global engagement. The following Offices have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Office of Community and Industry Engagement
  • Office of Global Engagement and Partnerships
  • Office of Government Relations
Records are required to retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy.
Student grievances, complaints and misconduct

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to misconduct and dispute resolution. The following Offices have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Office of Student Conduct
  • Office of Governance and Corporate Administration

Records are retained for a minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroyed.

Where the records relate to the management of cases involving allegations of the abuse or neglect of children, retain for a minimum of 99 years after action completed, then destroyed.

Research data and management

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to the stages of student candidature. The following Centres, Offices and Faculties have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Student Administration
  • Office or Research Services and Graduate Studies
  • National Wine and Grape Industry Centre
  • The Agriculture, Water and Environment Research Institute
  • The Gulbali Institute
  • Centre for Public and Contextual Theology
  • Faculty of Arts and Education
  • Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
  • Faculty of Science and Health

Data and datasets created from clinical trials, or research with potential long term effects on humans, as part of research activities within the institution, including animal testing for human products are required to retain minimum of 15 years after completion of research activity or until subject reaches or would have reached the age of 25 years, whichever is longer, then destroy.

Data and datasets created as part of research activities within the institution which do not involve clinical are required to retain minimum of 5 years after project completed, then destroy.


Charles Sturt holds records in relation to student governance, elections and committee memberships. The following Division and Office have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Division of Student Success
  • Office of Governance and Corporate Administration

Records relating to the conduct of elections for membership of governing or student bodies, committees, etc. Includes management of electoral rolls, advertising, balloting, nominations, notices, papers, results, scrutineers, tally sheets, etc. are required to retain minimum of 1 year after action completed, then destroy.

Student support services

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to the support services provided to students. The following Division and Office have responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Office for Student Safety and Wellbeing
  • Division of Student Success
Records are required to retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy.
Library services

Charles Sturt holds records in relation to student library records. The following Division has responsibility for maintaining these records:

  • Division of Library Services
Records are required to retain minimum of 1 year after action completed, then destroy.